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2 min read
Madonna in the 80s: The Making of a Pop Icon The 80s were a defining decade for pop music and a big part of it was due to Madonna. She came into the scene with an original style and sound. Madonna became a symbol of the 80s era by influencing music, fashion, and culture. Madonna Louise...
Brad Bartlett
5 min read
Celebrating the Undying Spirit of 80s Hair Bands In the pantheon of rock music, the 1980s stand out as an era of excess, extravagance, and electric energy, largely thanks to the rise of hair bands. With their towering hairstyles, flamboyant fashion, and larger-than-life personas, these...
Brad Bartlett
6 min read
Reliving the Magic: The Unforgettable Toys of the 80s The 1980s was more than just a decade; it was the golden age of toys. This era redefined the world of play, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those who grew up during this time. The toys of the 80s were not just...
Brad Bartlett
3 min read
Step Back in Time at Zagreb's 80's Museum For those longing for the days of big hair, neon clothes, and analog gaming, Zagreb has a delightfully retro treat. The city's Zagreb 80's Museum offers visitors a totally tubular trip back in time to the 1980s. This innovative exhibition lets you...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
Back to the Beat: Reliving the Dance Hits of the 80s The 1980s: a decade often remembered for its bold fashion, groundbreaking movies, and, most importantly, its electrifying music. It was an era where dance floors worldwide were alive with energy, and the sound of synth beats and catchy...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
Top Hits of the 80s for Your Next Karaoke Party When you think of karaoke, the neon glow of the 80s is hard to ignore. It was a decade that gave us synthesizers, neon clothes, MTV, and some of the catchiest pop songs ever written – which makes it perfect for your next karaoke party. Whether...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
The 80s Tech Boom: A Decade of Digital Revolution Before the dawn of the 1980s, technology had a relatively reserved presence in the average household. Radios, televisions, and landline telephones were the norm. Few could imagine (outside a comic book) the integration of computers and video...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
A Journey Through The Golden Age of Arcade Games If you were lucky enough to experience the heady days of the late '70s and the '80s in an arcade, you'd know it was not just about gaming. It was a cultural phenomenon—a rite of passage for many. Arcades weren't merely dim-lit rooms filled...
Brad Bartlett
5 min read
Decoding 80s Slang: Rad, Tubular, and Totally Awesome Expressions The 1980s wasn't just about glam rock and blockbuster movies; it was a time when youth culture reigned supreme. Youngsters found unity in a shared language, rich in colorful slang that was as vivacious as the era itself. And...
Brad Bartlett
5 min read
The Breakdance Revolution: The Rise of Hip-Hop Culture in the 80s Ah, the 1980s—a decade filled with vibrant colors, radical fashion, and groundbreaking music. But let's not forget one of the most electrifying cultural phenomena that emerged during this era: breakdancing. From the streets...
Brad Bartlett
5 min read
The Berlin Wall – The Fall of the Decade The 1980s was quite the decade. Not only did these years see the rise in neon, punk rock music and the introduction of the VCR to the world, but it also marked a seismic shift in global politics. Namely, 1989 saw the fall of the Berlin Wall, one of the...
Brad Bartlett
3 min read
Reaction score
The Ten Most Iconic Movies of the 1980s: A Cinematic Journey Through The Decade Ah, the 1980s - a time of big hair, neon colors, and some of the most unforgettable films in cinema history. The 80s was a decade that saw the birth of franchises that have lasted well into the 21st century...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
Synth, Pop, and Rebellion: The Evolution of Music in the 1980s In the panorama of cultural history, the 1980s stands out as a decade of bold expression and radical change, particularly in music. The sonic landscape was reshaped with the emergence of various genres, each leaving an indelible...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
Reaction score
80s Pop Culture: The Birth of MTV The 1980s was a decade of bold style, electrifying music, and dramatic shifts in popular culture. Amidst the kaleidoscope of neon fashion and iconic synth beats, one platform emerged that not only encapsulated the spirit of the decade but helped shape it...
Brad Bartlett
4 min read
Reaction score
Exploring the Dark Side of the 80s What springs to mind if you conjure up an image of the 1980s? Perhaps it's a vibrant splash of neon colors, the catchy synths of a pop song, or the carefree glam of iconic movies and TV shows. The 80s are often portrayed as a decade of fun, innovation, and...
Mrs. Eighties
1 min read
Reaction score
Eighties teens movies, we’ve all seen them, but what makes them so different ? How is it that in the year 2023 you can turn on an 80s film and still experience every emotion from laughing to crying, just like you did the very first time you watched it? Why have these 80s teen movies stood the...
2 min read
Nostalgia is a very powerful thing, especially when it comes to the 1980s. In addition to the excess of the greatest decade of all-time, so many amazing and memorable classics came out of the 80s, crossing many genres and creating blockbuster films that would earn more in their opening weeks...
2 min read
From dance music to new wave, to glam metal to dance-pop, the 1980s had it all when it comes to music, with artists trying to outdo themselves and each other as the decade wore on. Every January 1st, we symbolically look ahead in hope of better days for ourselves and the world around us over the...
2 min read
Simply put, TV got better in the 1980s. With more households having better TV sets with stereo sound, TV would become much more ambitious in terms of programming, with cable television experiencing unprecedented growth. So many imaginative, important shows started in the mid-1980s and would last...
2 min read
There are two kinds of nostalgia concerning the 1980s: nostalgia from those of us who were there to experience it, and nostalgia from younger generations who discover it and wish that they were. And you know what? That's OK, because we had the time of our lives one way or another. Reminiscing...

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